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Streamline FAIRness, interconnectivity and machine actionabiliby across the Reseach Lifecylce. 


The landscape of Open Science is evolving, but several challenges remain. Limited interoperability across the research stages, amplified by inconsistent practices between services, and uncertainty around compliance with FAIR principles and DMP practices, are significant hurdles. Additionally, varying levels of maturity in Open Science, FAIR, and EOSC across countries and scientific domains hinder progress and collaboration. These challenges create barriers to advancing an integrated and standardised research environment.

OSTrails Solution

OSTrails is a Horizon Europe project that focuses on the Plan-Track-Assess phases of research. By promoting interoperability within and across these stages, it helps harmonise practices between Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs), Data Management Planning (DMP) platforms, and FAIR assessment tools. This ensures consistent adherence to FAIR principles and DMP best practices, fostering a more streamlined and standardised approach to managing research. OSTrails contributes to greater alignment with EOSC while enhancing collaboration across scientific domains and countries.

OSTrails Outputs

  • 1. FAIRness Reference Model (minimum & domain discipline) 

    A high-level framework of key components, relationships, and standards that guide the design, development, and evaluation of systems or processes, ensuring interoperability, consistency, and a shared understanding of FAIR principles across diverse implementations. 

    2. OSTrails Interoperability Reference Architecture 

    A framework of data models, technical standards, and protocols that enable interoperability across and within Plan-Track-Assess research phases. 

  • 3. OSTrails Commons 

    A collection of resources to enable research-supporting platforms to achieve interoperability in alignment with OSTrails Interoperability Frameworks and Architecture.

    4. Enhanced Platforms and Services 

    A bundle of research-supporting platforms that advances RDM in alignment with FAIR principles and EOSC mandates.  

  • 5. FAIR Tests/Toolkits 

    A modular and expandable suite of FAIR tests with user guidance to enable transparent and consistent evaluation of FAIR compliance throughout the research lifecycle. 

    6. DMP Evaluation Rubric & Service 

    A set of code and tailored criteria, accessible via APIs, designed to evaluate the quality, completeness, and FAIRness of Data Management Plans (DMPs) across different settings. 

    7. SKG Research Product Quality Toolbox  

    A suite of general-purpose policies and services to improve the quality and interoperability of SKGs. 

  • 8. Integrated Competence Center 

    A support mechanism to enhance national and research RI settings with tools, expertise, and frameworks to advance Open Science. 

    9. Guidance Toolkit 

    A collection of learning resources, case studies, policy and technical briefs, and FAIR metrics governance to support the adoption of OSTrails specifications and services.