to co-design and deliver
fit-for-purpose solutions
OSTrails will deliver a set of diverse and interconnected results (framework, methods, tools and services) across the three areas of Plan-Track-Assess, involving both national and domain-specific communities. Moreover, the project takes a meta approach to test results from the scope of Horizon Europe Open Science and Research Data Management requirements.
Every pilot forms a collection of hand-picked activities from the full list that is presented here.
Pilot activities build on plan-track-assess pathways reflecting the technology readiness and Open Science maturity of the ecosystem that adopts them.
Develop maDMP templates for national projects, institutional and/or domain specific practices.
Embed FAIR metrics within the maDMP templates to assess FAIRness of outputs.
Extend repositories for archiving maDMPs.
Create qualified references between archived DMPs, data, publications and other outputs.
Enhance catalogues and SKGs with entities, PIDs and relationships beyond publications and data.
Interoperate with the OpenAIRE Graph and other SKGs.
Co-define FAIR metrics for funders, institutions and research communities.
Assess FAIRness of deposited outputs.
Co-define DMP evaluation criteria.
Assess DMPs quality according to national policy and criteria.
Extend national monitoring systems and funder’s reporting systems with maDMPs.