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Data Management Plan

Description: ARIADNEplus offers an online Data Management Plan Tool which supports archaeological data managers and archaeologists who want (or are obliged to) make a data management plan for producing and sharing data that comply with the FAIR data principles.
Keywords: Data management, archeological data management
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
Learning Resource Type: Supporting document
Content resource types: Text
Target Group: Researchers
Expertise Level: N/A
Qualification: None
Duration: N/A
Language: English, Italian
Description: This course introduces to the challenges of Research Data Management and sharing (RDM) in the context of Open Science (OS).
Keywords: Open science, RDM, data life cycle, FAIR principles, DMP, Legal and ethical aspects, metadata, persistents identifiers, data storage, data reuse and valorisation
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
OBERRED Project, Urfist Méditerranée - Université Côte d'Azur
Learning Resource Type: Lesson plan
Content resource types: Website
Target Group: Researchers
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: Badge
Duration: 1 week
Language: English
Description: Anyone interested in research data management is welcome to this self-study course on CSC’s eLearning platform. Course covers basics of data management, resources and tools available in following sections: 1. Introduction, 2. Data Management Planing, 3. Data Collection, Documentation and Organization, 4. Computing, Analysing and Storing during the project, 5. Sharing, Publishing and Preserving data, 6. Discover and Reuse data.
Keywords: Data management, Novice
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
CSC, Elixir Finland
Learning Resource Type: Lesson plan
Content resource types: Website, Multimedia
Target Group: Researchers, Data Stewards, Administrators, Teachers, Students
Expertise Level: All
Qualification: Badge
Duration: N/A
Language: English, Finnish
Description: The materials detail important aspects of data management as it applies to CMC corpora, for example, how data should be collected, which metadata to record, which data formats are advisable, and which legal concerns need to be considered when CMC corpora are supposed to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable at the end of a project. The materials are aimed at early career researchers or researchers who are about to start a new project in the field of CMC corpora.
Keywords: CMC corpora, FAIR, RDM
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
CLARIN K-centre for CMC
Learning Resource Type: Recorded lesson
Content resource types: Slides, Multimedia
Target Group: (Early career) researchers
Expertise Level: All
Qualification: None
Duration: 2 h
Language: English
Description: Summary sheet on DMP definition, purpose, content and editing tool
Keywords: DMP, Summary sheet
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
CNRS - Inist
Learning Resource Type: Supporting document
Content resource types: Text, Diagram
Target Group: Researchers
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: None
Duration: 0,5h
Language: French, English