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FAIRsharing Educational Component

Description: FAIRsharing is a curated, educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies. You can explore the entire FAIRsharing Educational series, created by the FAIRsharing Team and Community Champions. Each factsheet focuses on a different topic, such as our registries, how our stakeholders (e.g. researchers, trainers funders) can make use of FAIRsharing, and the FAIR principles.
Keywords: FAIR, FAIRsharing, standards, databases, policies, training
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
FAIRsharing in-house team, and FAIRsharing Community Champions
Learning Resource Type: Educator curriculum guide
Content resource types: Website, Poster, Diagram
Target Group: Funders, Researchers, Publishers, Policymakers, Librarians, Data stewards, Trainers
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: None
Duration: N/A
Language: English
Category: FAIR Assessment
Created Date: 20-02-2025

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0