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Description: Dissemination of the JERICO-CORE project and its future
Keywords JERICO, RI, marine science
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
SOCIB (Miguel Charcos)
Learning Resource Type: Supporting document
Content resource types: Slides
Target Group: Researchers
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: None
Duration: 1,5h
Description: Support materials to help understand the OpenAIRE Graph as well as guiding to navigate the Open Science landscape.
Keywords: Scientific Knowledge Graph, Interoperability, Open Science
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
Learning Resource Type: Supporting document
Content resource types: Text, Video, Slides
Target Group: Research Communities, Research Groups, Research Infrastructure Managers, Research Managers, Research Organisations, Innovators, Businesses, Provider Managers
Expertise Level: All
Qualification: text
Duration: N/A
Language: English
Description: Introductory tutorials on how to use OpenOrgs, enrich metadata, curate duplicates, resolve conflicts and establish hierarchical relationships between organisations.
Keywords: OpenOrgs, metadata, curation
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
Learning Resource Type: Recorded lesson
Content resource types: Video, Slides
Target Group: Data curators
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: None
Duration: 0,5 h
Language: English
Description: This tutorial gives a basic introduction to research infrastructures and linguistic research data management, focusing on the central services provided by the CLARIN research infrastructure
Keywords Data discovery and use, sharing and archiving, metadata, standards and formats, FAIR principles, language resources
Resource Authorship
(Organisation / Authors):
Learning Resource Type: Educator curriculum guide
Content resource types: Slides, Text
Target Group: Teachers, trainers, MA/PhD students, researcher
Expertise Level: Beginner
Qualification: None
Duration: 16-20h
Language: English, Italian