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LIBER 2025

LIBER 2025

The goal of the conference is to identify the most pressing needs for research libraries, and to share information and ideas for addressing those needs.

LIBER 2025 will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland (2-4 July 2025) and will be hosted by our colleagues at the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne. Daniel Spichtinger will represent OSTrails at LIBER with a poster:

Libraries Leading the Way: Supporting Research Data Management Through the OSTrails Pilots

Libraries, positioned at the intersection of research, infrastructure, and policy, play a pivotal role in facilitating  actionable improvements in Research Data Management (RDM) practices. 

The EU-funded OSTrails project exemplifies this role  by using aPlan-Track-Assess (PTA) phases of the research lifecycle. By enhancing interoperability within and across DMP platforms, Scientific Knowledge Graphs, and, FAIR Assessment Tools, OSTrails facilitates compliance with FAIR principles and DMP standards. With a strong alignment to EOSC, the project fosters cross-domain and cross-country collaboration, paving the way for a standardized and streamlined research ecosystem.

This poster will offer insights into the strategies, challenges, and outcomes of library-led initiatives within the 15 national OSTrails pilots.  These initiatives aim to enhance interoperability between repositories, CRIS systems, and SKGs, while fostering researcher engagement and compliance with national and European open science policies.

Key examples of OSTrails pilots include:

  • Austria: The University of Vienna leverages the PHAIDRA repository and the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) to provide key infrastructure for RDM.
  • Greece: The HEAL-Link consortium supports the HARDMIN federated infrastructure, providing data repositories across 15 Greek universities. It aims to implement policies for t RDM and Open Science connected to the Hellenic Data Service - HELIX. The Greek pilot will enhance interoperability with the OpenAIRE Graph, connect HEAL-Link scholarly infrastructure services (such as PIDs) with the ARGOS-GR DMP platform, develop maDMP templates, and assess the FAIRness of selected universities within the HEAL-Link consortium. 
  • Germany: RWTH Aachen University Library will play a key role in integrating the widely used national DMP tool "Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO)" with electronic lab notebooks/repositories, specifically "Chemotion" and "eLabFTW". 
  • Czech Republic: The National Library of Technology (NTK) will collaborate with Czech Technical University to develop maDMP templates and assessment metrics.

By sharing these experiences and lessons learned, this poster aims to contribute to a broader dialogue on the evolving role of libraries in shaping sustainable, FAIR-compliant research ecosystems, highlighting the role of libraries as agents of change in open science.



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Event Information

Event Date 07-02-2025
Event End Date 07-04-2025
Location Lausanne, Switzerland

Location Map