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OSTrails at UN Science Summit 2024

04 October 2024

September 26, 2024 – New YorkOSTrails was proud to participate in the side workshop "Transforming Knowledge into Practice: Science, Technology, and Innovation in Support of the UN SDGs", held during the Science Summit 2024 at the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA79). This workshop brought together European organizations and global stakeholders to explore how science, technology, and innovation can support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a special focus on biodiversity conservation and restoration. The event emphasized the importance of collaboration in addressing biodiversity challenges, with a particular emphasis on supporting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (K-M GBF).

Natalia Manola, CEO of OpenAIRE and project coordinator of OSTrails, gave a presentation showcasing OSTrails' innovative approach to transforming research data management within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), with a particular focus on advancing the global biodiversity agenda.

Manola outlined several challenges in research data management (RDM), including the limited effectiveness of current Data Management Plans (DMPs) and the need to improve Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs). She emphasized how OSTrails is addressing these challenges by creating an integrated research ecosystem that spans planning, tracking, and assessing research outputs. This ecosystem ensures better collaboration across infrastructures and more consistent FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) assessments.

Additionaly, Manola introduced two thematic pilots under OSTrails that showcase the project’s innovative approach in advancing research in biodiversity and marine/coastal fields:

  1. The Biodiversity Pilot, led by LifeWatch ERIC, aims to enhance the discoverability and usability of biodiversity data by integrating multiple environmental data sources into federated searches. The pilot focuses on seamlessly integrating databases within the ENVRI infrastructure.
  1. The ENVRI / JERICO pilot, led by SOCIB in collaboration with JERICO, focuses on advancing marine and coastal research by expanding the JERICO e-infrastructure to integrate DMPs, datasets, and other digital objects.

Finally, Natalia highlighted OSTrails’ contributions to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (K-M GBF) Targets through the following key areas:

  1. Data Management and Accessibility: OSTrails enhances the accessibility of biodiversity data, helping to meet K-M GBF Targets 1, 2, and 3, which focus on reducing biodiversity loss and restoring ecosystems.
  2. Promoting Collaborative Governance: OSTrails develops participatory DMP templates, supporting Target 22, which emphasizes inclusive decision-making and the rights of indigenous communities.
  3. Supporting Evidence-Based Policy: OSTrails' FAIR assessments of research data contribute to informed decision-making, aligned with Target 21, which promotes the use of knowledge for biodiversity action.
  4. Promoting Sustainable Practices: OSTrails aligns with Targets 9 and 10, ensuring the sustainable management of biodiversity data and promoting biodiversity-friendly practices.
  5. Promoting Scientific Innovation: By improving digital infrastructures and fostering collaboration, OSTrails supports Target 20, advancing scientific and technical cooperation for biodiversity conservation.

Through this innovative approach, OSTrails empowers global efforts to make biodiversity data more accessible and actionable, helping to meet the ambitious goals of the K-M GBF.

In addition to her presentation, several OSTrails partners made significant contributions to the workshop: Natalia Manola also presented "OpenAIRE," Yannis Ioannidis from Athena Research Center delivered "EOSC, a Technical 'System of Systems' for Collaboration/EOSC Future," and LifeWatch ERIC, which organized and chaired the workshop, presented "The Example of the European Collaborative Effort on Biodiversity" and "LifeWatch ERIC".

The "Transforming Knowledge into Practice" workshop underscored the vital role that science and technology play in addressing global challenges. OSTrails’ contributions to the event highlighted its pivotal role in supporting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and advancing the SDGs. By improving research infrastructure and fostering international collaboration, OSTrails continues to lead the way in supporting global biodiversity conservation efforts.

Further Resources: 

Written by

Tassos Stavropoulos
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